Flowering is a crucial process in the avocado tree’s life cycle. At this moment, the tree is determining its fruit set for the season. The more flowers pollinated and set, the higher the potential yield. However, not all flowers set fruit. In fact, it’s estimated that only 30-40% of flowers turn into avocados. This might be due to factors such as poor pollination, insufficient nutrients, or extreme weather conditions.

Nevertheless, with proper management practices, it is possible to increase the percentage of flowers that set fruit. If you are wondering how to go about this, then read on! This blog post will provide all the information you need about avocado flowering and how to enhance fruit set.

What is Avocado Flowering, and Why Does It Occur?

Avocado tree flowering

Avocado flowering is when avocado trees produce flowers that eventually turn into avocados. The avocado tree produces both male and female flowers (monoecious), and both are necessary for fruit set to occur. Flowers are typically produced during the months of September and October in Kenya, though this can vary depending on the climate and geographical location.

Flowering typically occurs to provide an opportunity for pollination to take place. This is when the male flowers’ pollen combines with the female flowers’ ovules. Once pollination has occurred, fruit set can begin, and avocados will start to form on the tree.

Factors that Affect Avocado Flowering

Here are several factors that affect the flowering of avocado trees and, as a result, the fruit set.


Avocado trees are sensitive to both high and low temperatures. High temperatures during flowering can reduce the number of flowers that set fruit, while low temperatures can cause the flowers to drop off the tree before they are pollinated.

To ensure a good fruit set, avocado trees should be grown in areas with moderate temperatures during the flowering period.


Drought stress during flowering can also reduce the number of flowers that set fruit. To avoid this, avocado trees should be well-watered during the flowering period, especially if they are grown in areas with low rainfall.


Poor nutrition can also reduce the number of flowers that set fruit. Avocado trees must be fertilized with a balanced fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to ensure good flower production and fruit set.

In addition, avocado trees need to be given extra magnesium during the flowering period to encourage flowers to set fruit. This can be done by spraying the leaves with a solution of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate).

Pest and Disease

Pests and diseases can also affect the flowering of avocado trees. For example, the avocado lace bug (Hemiberlesia lataniae) feeds on the leaves of avocado trees and can cause the leaves to turn brown and drop off.

This, in turn, can reduce the number of flowers that set fruit. To avoid this, avocado trees should be regularly monitored for pests and diseases and treated with the appropriate pesticides if necessary.

Inadequate Sunlight

Avocado trees need to be grown in areas that receive full sun for the best flower production and fruit set. To ensure that your avocado tree gets enough sunlight, make sure to plant it in an open area with no trees or buildings blocking the sun.

You can also practice tree thinning to allow more sunlight to reach the avocado tree. The ideal time to thin an avocado tree is after harvesting before flowering begins. This will ensure that the tree has enough leaves to produce a good number of flowers and set a good amount of fruit.

Best Management Practices to Enhance Avocado Flowering and Fruit Set

Proper care during the flowering and fruit set period is critical to having a successful avocado crop. There are several best management practices that you can follow to ensure optimal conditions for avocado flowering and fruit set. Some of these best practices include:

1. Adequate Watering

Watering is perhaps the most important factor in achieving a successful avocado crop. During the flowering and fruit set period, it is crucial to maintain consistent moisture levels in the soil. Too little water can cause the plants to experience stress, producing fewer flowers. Conversely, too much water can also be detrimental, leading to problems like root rot.

Avocados require about 1”-2” water per week, applied evenly throughout their root zone. If possible, use drip irrigation or soaker hoses to deliver water directly to the roots. Remember to avoid wetting the leaves, which can lead to fungal diseases.

2. Fertilization

Avocados are heavy feeders and require consistent fertilization throughout their growing season to produce a bountiful crop. During the flowering and fruit set period, it is particularly important to ensure that your plants get the nutrients they need to produce a high number of flowers and a successful fruit set.

There are a few different ways to fertilize avocado trees, including using organic methods like compost or manure or inorganic means like commercial fertilizer. Whichever method you choose, keep an eye on the fertilizer amount, as too much nitrogen can inhibit avocado flowering.

3. Pruning

Pruning is another vital aspect of avocado care during the flowering and fruit set period. Avocados produce fruit on new growth, so it is important to encourage new growth by pruning the trees regularly.

When pruning, focus on removing dead or diseased wood and crossing or rubbing branches. You should also prune to promote good air circulation and light penetration throughout the canopy. These factors will all help to improve avocado flowering and fruit set.

4. Controlling Pests and Diseases

Pests and diseases can wreak havoc on an avocado crop, causing problems with flowering and fruit sets. Therefore, taking the necessary steps to control these pests and diseases is important.

Some of the most common pests and diseases that affect avocados include aphids, scale, mites, fungal diseases like anthracnose and botrytis, and bacterial diseases like a bacterial canker. You can use chemical, biological, and cultural control methods to control these pests and diseases.

Also, Read; Avocado Pests and Diseases

5. Proper Avocado Varieties

Another important factor to consider when trying to enhance avocado flowering and fruit set is the type of avocado variety you are growing. Some varieties are more prone to flower and fruit set problems than others.

To help ensure a successful crop, choose avocado varieties that are known to produce a high number of flowers and fruit set, such as Hass, or Fuertes. You can also talk to your local extension office or nursery for guidance on choosing the best avocado varieties.

Benefits of Proper Avocado Flowering Management

Taking good care of your avocado tree during flowering has many benefits. Below are our top reasons why you should give your avocado tree the attention it needs during this crucial time:

Increased yields

Every avo farmer’s dream is to have a bountiful harvest, and proper flowering management can help make this happen. By ensuring that your tree gets the right amount of water, nutrients, and sunlight, you’re giving it the best chance to increase its overall yields.

More profits

More yields usually mean more profits. If you can increase your avocado harvest by even a small percentage, it can greatly impact your bottom line. Proper flowering management can help you achieve this goal.

Improved fruit quality

Not only will you see an increase in the quantity of fruit produced by your tree, but the quality of the fruit will also improve. Avocados that are properly cared for during flowering tend to be larger and have a higher oil content than those that are not.

No problems during fruit set

Properly managed trees are less likely to experience problems with fruit set, which can lead to smaller and misshapen fruit. By ensuring that your tree gets the right amount of water, nutrients, and sunlight during flowering, you can help avoid these problems.


Avocado flowering is a crucial process in the production of this popular fruit. Several management practices can be employed to enhance fruit set and yield. These include pruning, thinning, and providing adequate nutrition. By following these recommendations, growers can produce a high-quality crop of avocados.